Friday, August 3, 2007

Sugar Cookies

Today we made sugar cookies from Vegan Family Favorites. I did most of the baking work and the kids decorated them. They had a good time with all of the frosting and sprinkles.

Sugar cookies aren't one of my favorites. It's more the experience for the kids and all the decorating possibilities for different occasions that make them appeal to me. These tasted like any other sugar cookie that I've had and I consider that a compliment.

It is defiantly important to chill the dough well and even after rolling it cracked easily. I found it worked better to roll it out and then press it with the palm of my hand. I also rolled on top of parchment paper and was able to bend the paper to get my hand underneath to lift off the formed cookies. Using a spatula to transfer them to the cookie sheets caused a lot of casualties.

These were fun and I'm glad to have the recipe in reserve for holiday cookie making.

1 comment:

veganmomma said...

I am usually lazy with sugar cookies and have used that box, cuz yeah, the decorating is what makes them fun. They aren't my favorite either.